Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) staff are available at the Westminster Law Library to answer questions. You can also contact ILL staff at 303-871-6364 or email:
DU Law: Logon to your ILL account
Law Journals: Logon to your ILL Account
What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan is an international service in which library materials are made available from one library to another and ultimately to the designated library user to meet their information needs. Interlibrary Loans are meant only for personal study, scholarship, or research needs and may not be further distributed.
Who Can Use Interlibrary Loan?
Current law students, law staff, and law faculty of the University of Denver are eligible to use Interlibrary Loan. (Non-law students must use the University Libraries Interlibrary Loan office. Iliff students must use the Ira J. Taylor Library.)
When Should I Use Interlibrary Loan?
For assistance identifying appropriate resources for research, contact a Reference Librarian.
- Search Compass or ask a Reference Librarian to be sure the university does not have the item(s) you need.
- Check Prospector for faster delivery of books. Prospector is a regional self-service, rapid delivery borrowing service. Items requested via Prospector will be delivered to Main Library and you will receive an email when your item is ready.
- Complete an Interlibrary Loan Request if needed. Request material through Interlibrary Loan if it is unavailable from University Libraries or Prospector.
What is the Difference Between Request It (Paging) and Interlibrary Loan?
"Request It" is used for materials owned by University of Denver Libraries. Interlibrary Loan is used to request materials not available in our collection.
Please note: the status or listing of your ILL materials will not be reflected on your Law Library account. You must login to your ILL account to view ILL materials.
Arrival of Material
Articles will be delivered to your ILL account as PDFs that you can download, typically within 5-7 working days. Hardbound material arrives within 7-10 working days. Occasionally items may not be obtainable due to scarcity, lending policies of owning institutions, etc.
Your materials will be placed on the shelf at the Law Library Circulation Desk, and you will be notified by email. You will need your DU ID to pick up hardbound material. Articles will be delivered electronically in PDF form to your ILL account. Note: If material is designated "In-Library Use Only," it can only be used inside the Westminster Law Library.
You can return material to the book drop or the Westminster Law Library Circulation Desk.
You must place a renewal on ILL items at least two (2) days before the item is due. Simply log on to your ILL account and select "Checked Out Items" to renew. Please note that renewals cannot always be granted. The decision is based on the lending libraries' policies.
Lost Book Fee
It is important to maintain good working relationships with libraries that loan to us. Our borrowing privileges can be revoked by lending libraries if patrons do not return materials on time. Overdue materials may result in a loss of an individual's Interlibrary Loan privileges. Charges for book replacements are $400.00.
For more information:
Interlibrary Loan for Sturm College of Law Libguide